Why was the Evidence Based Quality Assurance Tool Created?

Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 62B.615 requires the use of evidence-based programs and practices across Nevada’s juvenile justice systems. Specifically, juvenile justice programs supported by state funding through DCFS are required to be evidence-based, research-based, or evidence-informed” as described in the Evidence-based Practices Definition Matrix, This tool was developed to meet two goals: 1) to help local juvenile services departments determine where their programs fit within the Matrix and thus if they qualify for state funding and 2) to develop a directory of evidence-based, research-based, or evidence-informed programs in Nevada.

Evidence-Based Practices Definition Matrix
Click the image above to download.
Evidence-Based Practices Quality Assurance Tool image
Click the image above to download.

Who Should Use This Tool?

This tool is designed to be completed by those most familiar with the program’s design, implementation, and target population. If the program is administered by the probation department or court, this would likely be probation or court staff. If the program is administered by a community service provider (i.e., contracted), probation staff may need input from the service provider or perhaps have service provider personnel complete the tool for their program. The tool consists of 13 questions and should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

For Which Programs Should the Tool be Completed?

NRS 62.630 requires departments of juvenile services whose population is less than 100,000 be evaluated for compliance with evidence-based programs and services as described in the Evidence-based Practices Definition Matrix. In order to satisfy requirements of NRS 62B.630, this tool is required to be completed for any programs that are supported by Nevada State or Block Grant Funding. For local programs not supported by these funds, the tool is still helpful to determine the program’s evidence of effectiveness and will help create a registry of evidence-based programming in accordance with NRS 62B.635. Programming administered within a DCFS placement are not subject to this process.

How Should the Form be Submitted to NCJJI and What Happens Next?

After you have completed the form in its entirety, you will email it directly to the NCJJI team at ncjji@ncjfc.org. Once the team receives your submission, they will review the tool and reach out to program contacts as necessary to retrieve information needed to classify the program. Once all information is obtained, the NCJJI staff will complete the form, indicating the results of the program analysis and will indicate which category of the Evidence-Based Practices Definition Matrix the program aligns with. If the program is indicated to be evidence-based, it will be added to NCJJI’s database which can be found on the Evidence-Based Programs and Practices page of the website.