MultiSystemic Therapy (MST)
The overriding goal of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is to keep adolescents who have exhibited serious clinical problems (e.g., drug use, violence, severe criminal behavior) at home, in school, and out of trouble.
MST is an evidence-based program that empowers youth (aged 12 – 17) and their families to function responsibly by identifying strengths and developing natural support systems (e.g., extended family, neighbors, friends, church members) and removing barriers (e.g., parental substance abuse, high stress, poor relationships between partners). MST reduces delinquent and antisocial behavior by addressing the core causes of such conduct allowing the family takes the lead in setting treatment goals and the therapist helps them to accomplish their goals. The average length of treatment is between 3 and 5 months with multiple therapist–family contacts occurring each week. Therapists work in the home, school and community and are on call 24/7 to provide caregivers with the tools they need to transform the lives of troubled youth.
Staffing Requirements:
Clinicians Licensed in MST. All MST programs must be licensed by MST Services
Supervisors are, at minimum, highly skilled Master's-prepared clinicians with training in behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapies and pragmatic family therapies (i.e., Structural Family Therapy and Strategic Family Therapy).
Staffing Training:
5 Day Orientation Training: for new MST therapists, supervisors, and other program staff on the theory and techniques of MST. Training includes didactic teaching, role-playing and other exercises designed to stimulate critical thinking about the treatment process.
2 Day Supervisor Orientation Training: for new MST supervisors typically attended during the first six months on the job as supervisor. The training is highly interactive and experiential with multiple opportunities to practice implementing the various job tasks.
Advanced Supervisor Workshop: an optional annual training that addresses 1 of 3 areas: group supervision, clinician development, and Program CQI Management. Topics rotate.