Welcome to the Nevada Juvenile Justice Institute. This online training series is designed to provide participants with an overview of the juvenile court system and processes. Each training segment is accompanied by a notetaking and implementation guide. The notetaking guide provides participants with ancillary information on the topic and space to write notes. The implementation guide is designed to help participants actually implement the training concepts in the juvenile court and provides next steps for system reform. Should you have any questions, please contact Jessica Pearce (jpearce@ncjfcj.org).

To complete the training series, view all provided videos and review the material provided under resources. Once you have completed the series you can contact Jessica Pearce (jpearce@ncjfcj.org) to receive a certificate for the program. You may also submit this form to the Nevada CLE Board (Nevada Juvenile Justice Institute CLE Form) to receive 12.5 credits.

Adolescent Development

Adolescent Development: Responding to Adolescent Behavior

This recording of a live webinar session explores what works to promote changes in adolescent behavior.

Adolescent Development

This video discusses adolescent development research and the way we can use the research findings in our responses to adolescent behavior.

Screening and Assessment

Practical Application of Screening and Assessment Information

This recording of a live webinar session will explore how the information from the YLS and the MAYSI can be used to inform judicial decision making.

Judicial Leadership

Judicial Ethics

This recording of a live webinar session will explore judicial ethics and leadership, within the context of juvenile justice.

Judicial Leadership in Family Engagement

This recording of a live webinar session will explore the ways in which judges can both engage families from the bench and also create policies and practices within the court to ensure family engagement.

Juvenile Justice Basics

Review of the Enhanced Juvenile Justice Guidelines

History of the Juvenile Justice System

This session provides an overview of the history of the juvenile court and provides insights into how this history affects the way the court operates today.

Special Considerations in Juvenile Justice

Adolescent Mental Health

This session explores the ways in which the juvenile justice system can meet the needs of youth with mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Meeting the Educational Needs of Juvenile Justice Involved Youth

This session provides an overview of ways the juvenile justice system can partner with the school system to meet the educational needs of youth.