19 10 Aggression Replacement Training ART is an intervention designed for chronically aggressive youth. This 10 week structured program provides group sessions focused on improving social skills, anger control, and moral reasoning.
18 10 Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Based Mentoring Program Big Brothers Big Sisters is a mentoring program that pairs youth with positive volunteer role models. Mentors and mentees meet a few times per month participating in prosocial activities for at least one year.
23 9 Crossover Youth Practice Model Profile CYPM is a model that uses a conceptual plan and organizational framework to strengthen collaborations between child welfare and juvenile justice system professionals designed to prevent and reduce justice system involvement through collaboration and family engagement through a three-phase process.
19 10 Functional Family Therapy (FFT) FFT provides counseling focused on strengthening the family system for youth at high-risk for antisocial behaviors. Weekly one-hour sessions with the whole family occur over the course of three to five months and can be delivered by non-licensed staff.
19 10 Life Skills Training LST is a flexible substance-abuse and violence prevention curriculum with programs designed for youth of all ages. Staff hold group sessions to help youth develop drug resistance, personal self-management, and general social skills
15 10 Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) MDFT is a multifaceted family intervention for youth with substance use and behavioral problems. Families receive counseling administered by licensed therapists and additional services focused on strengthening community support.
19 10 MultiSystemic Therapy (MST) MST is an intensive in-home intervention delivered by licensed clinicians for youth exhibiting serious antisocial and criminal behaviors. Through intensive contact with the family, the program promotes prosocial conduct while decreasing problem and delinquent behavior.